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Reporting Progress to Parents

Back to School Night is the first important contact that parent and teachers have. It is a very positive start when parents and students attend Back to School Night. This is an opportunity for teachers to inform parents about what will be happening in the classroom, curriculum, rules, etc., not an evening for an individual conference. It is also an ideal time for parents to ask questions and for the teacher and the parent to begin to establish the relationship that will lead to student success.
Grades are based on multiple assessments and measures, and are completed at the end of each trimester, for TK-5th and each semester for 6th-8th.
The school and the home working together is the optimum scenario for student success. At the end of the first and second trimester, teachers will conference with all parents.The report card will be discussed, in addition to any other areas that are deemed necessary. At the end of the third trimester, teachers generally conference with those parent whose students are not meeting standards (either behaviorally or academically) in some area or if the parent specifically requests a conference. Additionally, a parent may request a conference at any time during the school year. Parents are also encouraged to communicate with teachers through personal notes and e-mails.
Progress reports are sent home at the mid-point of each trimester or semester.
Open House is held in the spring and provides an exciting opportunity for students to show parents and families what they've learned during the school year. It is a wonderful evening that families do not want to miss!
The Student Study Team meets regularly to provide recommendations, support, and program modifications for a student experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties. Parents/guardians work together with the entire SST team to do what is necessary to help the student be successful.This might include putting specific interventions in place or moving forward with specific testing, if appropriate.